04 July 2023

Handcare Premium

2 min read


Should we take care of our hands?

Yes! There are several factors in our daily routines that can cause our hands to become dry, rough, sensitive, and blemished, and can have repercussions on aesthetics and quality of life.

These include:

  • Handwashing: is essential to prevent the spread of germs, but excessive handwashing can cause extreme dryness, increasing the skin’s susceptible to eczema and/or dermatitis;
  • Irritating detergents: particular detergents can dry out the skin, turning the palm of the hands sensitive and red;
  • UV exposure: Like the face and arms, the hands are most exposed to UV rays, being harmful and can cause redness, sensitivity and dark spots;
  • Cold and dry winter air: leads to extreme dryness of the skin, and it’s extremely essential to take care of hands in this season.

    If your hands suffer from any of these symptoms it’s time to act and take care of them!

    How should I care for my hands?

    Proper Handwashing

    Handwashing is important for destroying germs, but the skin barrier can be compromise and the skin can become dry and rough.

    We should avoid washing our hands in hot water to prevent dehydration and always prefer a moisturizing soap suitable for hands.


    Regular moisturizing

    Some detergents and disinfectants can remove the lipids and ceramides that form the skin's protective barrier. Regular moisturizing after handwashing helps keep skin healthy and even slows down the visible signs of aging.

    You might consider hand moisturizers that contain emollient agents, such as shea butter and glycerin.


    Protecting your hands from sun exposure

    As we know, hands are one of the most exposed parts to UV rays, responsible for 80% of skin changes associated with aging. To combat the signs of hand aging we should choose hand creams with sun protection factors included and also with ingredients that fight skin aging.


    Complementary Care

    If the skin is extremely dry, we have to provide complementary care during our routine. Hand masks and night creams are a good example for long-lasting hydration and repair.


     Never forget: Your hands are unique, pamper them!

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