06 mayo 2022

10 Tips to Maintain Your Weight

2 min lectura


1st suggestion

Define time for meals.

2nd suggestion

Plan your dishes. Watch what you have in your pantry, make a planning of the food you will eat in the different meals. If it helps, prepare it the same way as you took when you went to work.


3rd suggestion

Start meals with vegetable soup (preferably without potatoes, leguminous or cereals) and without grinding everything (chewing will help you get satisfied).

4th suggestion

Accompany the main course with vegetables (cooked, grilled, mixed, salads...).

5th suggestion

Get smaller portions at the main meals (we know that when we spend more time at home it is natural to eat more and spend less energy). We suggest serving your course on a dessert-sized plate, what do you think?

6th suggestion

Make healthy snacks throughout the day (fruit, nuts, low-fat dairy products, gelatin, slow-absorbing cereals...) – but pay attention to portions, we know that the package of dried fruits should last more than a day (let's focus on that portion that fits in the palm of our hand, yes?).

7th suggestion

Avoid snacking while watching TV (all calories count at the end of the day!).


8th suggestion

Drink water, teas or infusions throughout the day and avoid alcoholic, carbonated or sugar-rich beverages.

9th suggestion

Exercise at home at least 30 min/day! Nowadays there are numerous Smartphone applications and several gyms that are doing online classes.

10th suggestion

Sleep well! You'll have more energy for your daily tasks and you'll be able to control the appetite better!

Supplements to help you lose weight!

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