Dependent on physiological rather than pathological causes, and whenever the quality and quantity of hair gradually decrease due to alterations in the activity of the hair follicles, the brand with its transdermal technology is fundamental and unique for the actives to penetrate in a safe and proven way, the deeper layers of the skin and scalp where they need to act: an alternative to microinjections, but without needles.
What are the formulation complexes?
The new Crescina Transdermic HFSC formulation is based on Labo's historical hair thinning formula that includes:
Hair thinning VS Hair loss
Hair loss is an evolving phenomenon represented by the detachment of a hair shaft from the hair follicle.
People who suffer from hair loss comment, "I find many strands of hair on the comb, brush and shoulders when I comb or brush my hair, on the pillow when I sleep, in the sink, in the tub, in the shower when I wash my hair.... "
Thinning is a condition caused by the lack of hair growth after hair loss (even if it is not visible), which causes loss of hair density in specific areas of the scalp.
People who suffer from thinning hair comment, "I'm missing hair, my hair isn't thick anymore, I have almost no hair left, I'm going bald."
How to choose the right dosage?
Crescina has a classification system (Hamilton International Scale for men, and Ludwig Scale for women) that makes it possible to associate your degree of thinning and baldness with the dosage indicated.
These stages were grouped into three sets: early stages, middle stages, advanced stages.
Crescina Re-Growth concentrations refer to these sets:
- Concentration 200 for early stages (moderate weakened hair in men or women)
- Concentration 500 for mid-stages (advanced weakened hair in men or women)
- Concentration 1300 for advanced stages (incipient baldness in men or women)
The photographic hair thinning scale called "Thinometer" helps pick the right concentration for your situation.
Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC
Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC helps promote physiological hair growth and is recommended in cases of thinning due to physiological - not pathological - causes.
Its formulation contains the Re-Growth Complex, the HFSC Complex, the new Re-growth booster complex and 3 vasodilators.
The preparation is packaged in single-dose vials, to be applied daily for 5 consecutive days, followed by a two-day break (as shown in the scheme):
Apply to clean, dry scalp for 2 months (minimum recommended usage time).
Crescina Transdermic HFSC Complete Treatment
Crescina Transdermic HFSC Complete Treatment helps physiological hair growth and helps stop hair loss.
The package contains two types of ampoules:
- An amber glass ampoule containing Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC
- A clear glass ampoule containing Crescina Transdermic AntiHair Loss, which combines the basic active ingredients with Hydrolyzed Yeast Protein, Acetyl-3 Tetrapeptide, necessary to strengthen the hair from the root, and also 3 vasodilators to facilitate its penetration into the hair system and scalp. The formulation is further enriched with the HSSC Complex.
The treatment begins by applying Crescina Transdermic Anti-Hair Loss ampoule (transparent ampoule), followed by Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC (amber ampoule).
Must be applied daily for 5 consecutive days, followed by a two-day break (as shown in the scheme):
Apply to clean, dry scalp for 2 months (minimum recommended usage time).