All the facts show that climate change is a reality and not a myth.
Numbers don't stop growing: the average temperature has increased, in the last 100 years the average sea level has risen about 20 cm, CO2 emissions have increased by 50% since 1990, and heatwaves, floods, tornadoes have escalated in frequency and intensity.

There is a clear correlation between changes in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and the observed variations in average temperature. This gas results from the direct burning of fossil fuels (carbon, petroleum) used mainly in energy production and transportation. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere today exceeds that registered in the last 20 million years.

Society in general, and the new generations in particular, need to change consumption patterns in order to reverse the major causes of the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It's become compulsory for industries and companies to include sustainable development, for it's their responsibility to respond to contemporary needs without compromising the future. Companies need to be sustainable and supportive and contribute to helping the most vulnerable and the most eminent causes.

A-Derma has been a responsible brand committed to the environment for many years. This dermatological brand based on Rhealba Oats, chosen from the 26000 varieties existing for their rebalancing, calming and restorative properties important to care for fragile skin, carries out a 100% organic agriculture practice without using fertilizers, chemical pesticides or genetically modified organisms. The land is naturally fertilized thanks to the crop rotation system that has been implemented. In addition, oat culture consumes little water. Packaging for A-Derma products is environmentally friendly, 100% of the card used comes from sustained forests. 100% of the paints used are vegetable inks. All packaging is pvc and phthahigh-free and products no longer use internal brochures, taking advantage of the inside of the cardboard packaging to communicate. The bottles of hygiene products are made of recycled materials and are recyclable. All hygiene formulas are biodegradable.

For nearly 40 years caring for fragile skin to improve the everyday lives of its consumers, A-Derma virtuously combines nature and science. But improving the lives of its consumers is also taking care of the planet, it’s being grateful every day for the wonders that the plant world provides us to be able to make A-Derma products. It is to give back to nature all that it gives us.
It was with this inspiration, that in 2019 A-Derma decided to contribute to rebirth the Portuguese forest and for a month, donate 1€ per product sold to Quercus to create and care for forests of native species, trees and shrubs original of the Portuguese flora. This operation allowed the planting of 2000 trees that was carried out in early 2020 in the Tapada de Mafra, with the entire Pierre Fabre team and some guests.
In 2020, with the pandemic, other needs arose and requests for food aid were triggered, with almost 60 000 new cases of aid applications in Portugal in one month. A-DERMA couldn't just sit idly by. For this reason, they partnered with REFOOD to be able to contribute meals for those who needed it. This partnership resulted in over 6000 meals for families in need.
Every year with fires, deforestation, urban buildings, and other irresponsible attitudes we see part of the flora being destroyed around the world. These actions have consequences and one of them is the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. A-Derma wants to be part of the solution, and therefore reduce its CO2 emissions by 30% by 2025 and continue to plant trees as a way to offset CO2 emissions.

This year, A-Derma wanted to continue the partnership with Quercus by solidifying its commitment to the preservation of nature and the planet, to continue planting trees. Repay Compensate is the name of the fundraising campaign to plant trees and offset CO2 emissions.
If we all contribute with gestures that have positive impacts, we will succeed. Protecting the planet, its resources and the environment in which we live has become a real necessity. A-Derma owes a lot to nature, and so the need to protect it is evident to us. We all know there's no planet B!
# It's natural to be supportive