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  • Nourkrin - Nourkrin Men Hair Loss Treatment
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  • Nourkrin - Nourkrin Men Hair Loss Treatment
  • Nourkrin

Nourkrin Men Hair Loss Treatment with Marilex

Nourkrin Men Hair Loss Treatment


$ 48.99$ 65.30-25%



in stock | expected delivery 28 Feb - 13 Mar

Product Description

80% of men throughout their life will suffer from hair loss! The origin of this trend is widespread and is associated with lifestyle, environmental aggressions genetic heritage and to hormonal variations.

It is precisely at this point that come 28 years of research to prevent falls and the recognition by the scientific community through the award of the gold medal by World Society of Trichology:

  • Nourkrin Man

The only food supplement, directed to the hair growth won medals with the gold medal by world society of Trichology, by "allow men and women suffering from hair loss to improve your quality of life, in a safe way and without drugs."- Dr. David h. «Kingley President of SMT.

Especially developed for men, for the weakening and hair loss

All types of hair loss have one thing in common: a growth cycle of unregulated hair, which results in a decrease of the growth phase and early entry into the resting phase which leads to an increase in loss and regrowth more weak hair.

Nourkrin aims to standardise and restore hair growth cycle through a combination of specifically selected ingredients:

Is the unique and patented ingredient, formulated based on split fish extract, obtained by enzymatic extraction method that ensures the optimal concentration of the component. This extract is rich in proteoglycans and essential to the development of the hair follicle. These Proteoglycans are structurally and functionally similar to the follicles and therefore maximum effectiveness.

Acerola cherry extract
Rich source of vitamin C with important antioxidant that prevents aging and capillary environmental aggressions in the fall.

Pharmaceutical grade purified and especially to meet the necessary requirements. Silica is a structural component of hair grane.

Horsetail extract
Rico in potassium, manganese and selenium, as well as saponins and flavonoids.

Contributed to a normal hair maintenance.

The results are amazing and supported scientifically by three articles published internationally:

The average hair growth was 37.5% on Nourkrin group compared to 1.5% in the placebo group.

The hair loss is reduced and the hair starts a period of prolonged Growth, which supports active follicles and contributed to a healthy hair space travel coalition.

Promotion valid on the selected items between 2025-02-17 and 2025-02-23. This promotion may be modified within the terms of the Portuguese legislation.

How to Use


2 tablets a day, with a large glass of water for 3 to 6 months treatment.

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