18 August 2021

Crescina | how to choose your dosage, and other questions!

Hair thinning can be a consequence of a prolonged, persistent or abundant hair loss; or it may happen in cases where the thickness and/or number of hairs in growth is reduced. In the long run, hair thinning can evolve to baldness; which consists in visible lack of hair in certain areas.

Crescina ampoules aim to act on 3 different degrees of baldness/hair thinning; and the brand has developed 2 separate formulations for man and woman, each containing 3 different strengths. In order to know Crescina Follicular Islands in detail you can check our previous magazine here.

If you would like to learn more about the dosages choice and the target audience of these ampoules; this magazine is just for you!

For whom they are intended Crescina ampoules?


This product can be used by people suffering from hair thinning or baldness in adulthood.


How to choose the most appropriate dosage in accordance to my needs?

To choose the Crescina ampoules that wll suit you best; the brand offers a classification system that allows you to associate your level of hair thinning/baldness degree to a specific dosage:


First Grades | 1700



Medium Grades | 1900



Advanced Grades | 2100




Can I use Crescina ampoules during pregnancy?

Crescina light ampoules are cosmetic products, and for that reason are intended only for topical application; not being absorbed into the bloodstream. In this sense, and to our knowledge; there is no contraindication for using them during your pregnancy. However, taking into account the particularity of this physiological state; we recommend you to check with your doctor if you plan to start using these ampoules before delivery.



It is normal to feel a burning sensation or itching after application?

Crescina ampoules contain vasodilator ingredients, so it is natural to feel some tingling, redness or even burning immediately after their application. These symptoms should disappear a few minutes or a few hours later. If the symptoms persist and become annoying, we suggest that you rinse the scalp thoroughly.

During the application, you should be careful to protect your face; once this skin is more sensitive.

Can I dye my hair while I apply Crescina ampoules?

Due to the vasodilating action, the ampoules can make your scalp more sensitive immediately after the application. In this sense, and once hair dyes are also sensitising; we recommend that you stop the application of the ampoules at the day you want to dye your hair, resuming the treatment in the next day.

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